Renew your membership | Child Poverty Action Group
First name
Last name
Email address
Membership Type
$10 Individual Membership
$100 Corporate Members
$10 Individual Membership
$100 Corporate Members
Membership Subscription Period
One time
Please select 'one time' if you wish your membership subscription to be for another year only.
Please select 'annually' if you wish your membership subscription to be renewed annually. (You can cancel this at any time.)
If paying by credit card your card will be charged the membership fee each year; if paying by bank transfer you may wish to set up an AP with your bank.
Payment Options
Please complete both sections A and B below.
A. Payment method
Credit or Debit card
Bank Transfer
Our preferred method of payment is via Credit or Debit card as this reduces our administration costs. However, we will gladly accept donations or membership subscriptions direct to our bank account:
Name of account: Child Poverty Action Group (Inc)
Account number: 38-9003-0066858-00
Reference: Please include your name and DONATION (or MEMBER if paying your subscription).
B. Deduct future payments from my regular donations
If you are a regular donor and wish to have your annual membership subscription in the future taken from your donations please indicate above. Thankyou.
Total amount
Please check the highlighted fields